⚠️ Please note that if you delete any still from your Saved page, it will be fully removed from all of your boards. Removing stills from your Saved page can have high consequences.

If you remove a still from the Saved page after already adding it to a Board, it will be removed from both the Saved page and the Board, regardless of whether the Board is collaborative or personal.

However, when you delete a board, the stills in it will still be saved and therefore will be findable in your Save page.

If you’d still like to remove an image from your Saved page, follow these procedures:

  1. Click on the Boards’ icon next to your profile icon.

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  1. You will automatically be redirected to your Boards, click on “Saved” at the left of your page.

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  1. Once in your Saved collection, hover your on-screen mouth above the image you’d like to remove.